Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Life's not a fairytale, but it can have a happy ending!!

So, today was really awesome!! Going on teams with the Elders or the Sisters is by far one of my favorite things to do! Today I met the Elders up at UNCC campus around 4 o'clock to teach a girl named Kristin. After about 30 minutes of waiting we finally excepted the fact that she was not coming, it was a big bummer. So now with an hour to burn before the next appointment Elder Melville and Elder Perkins made a few phone calls to investigators to see if anybody wanted to meet up for a bit. No luck. We decide we are going to walk to the next appointment. As we are walking, Elder Perkins decides we are going to play a game. There was a big group of people coming and all four of us had to split up and each talk to a person. Whoever wasn't talking to somebody else, lost. Haha. This caught me a little off guard and yes, I was nervous... So the Elders did a fine job of handing out their pass-along cards as I kind of just followed the other guy around that was with us as he talked to people. We meet back up. That was an ultimate fail.. I'm beginning to see how much courage being a full time missionary takes. Well, we are walking and it's freezing and two other girls are walking behind us. Elder Melville decides to say hello, asks how their day was, what they are majoring in. Then Elder Perkins takes it away!! He asks them if they would like to know more about God and his "Plan of happiness/salvation". They barley hesitate before excepting the offer. So we find a nice quite room and sit down with the girls. The Elders taught the girls about Heavenly Father's plan for us ... and that he wants us to be happy too, here on this earth. One of the girls talked a little bit about how when she has a bad day she would just sit down and meditate, vent to God ... and she knew that God was there listening. She had no idea that she was practically praying until we told her! I got to bare my testimony to her at the end about how the church has changed my life and made me into a happy person. I love baring my testimony during discussions with investigators because as a convert myself, I feel like I can really relate to them. It also gives me a little reminder of the testimony I do have. I always have it in my heart but it is not everyday were I get to verbally speak it to somebody my age who is searching for answers.

Overall, the girls set up another appointment with the Elders on Thursday. I am really excited to see how this plays out!!

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